A crown (sometimes called a cap) is a restoration that is placed on teeth that have lost a lot of their structure. There are various types of crowns, ranging from full porcelain to full metal. We can explain the best one for you. Most of our crowns are fabricated in office in a single visit! A bridge is similar to a crown, but attaches two teeth with a “false tooth” connected to replace a missing tooth.
The process of making a crown includes a number of steps, beginning with preparing the tooth by shaving down the sides and top in order to make room for the crown. A digital impression of your teeth is then taken. Sometimes a temporary crown or bridge is then placed on your teeth. Meanwhile, the digital or physical impressions are sent to the milling machine or a dental lab where a mold of the teeth is poured and the work begins. If sent to a lab, the completed work is sent back to the office; after inspection and any necessary adjustments. If it is milled in office, it is tried in and adjusted as necessary and then after going through a glaze and firing process, the crown or bridge is cemented onto your teeth.
If you have any questions about dental crowns or bridges, give us a call today!
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